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Custom definitions

One of the most important features of Dummy4j is the ability to easily provide custom definitions.

File structure

The structure of the dummy data definition file looks like the following:

      key: [ "value1", "value2", "value3" ]

The root element is the locale, which simply defines to which locale the definitions belong. One file can have definitions for multiple locales. is the key which will be resolvable within Dummy4j and its list are the values from which the library will pick out a random element.

In the above example, #{} would resolve to either value1, value2 or value3 (assuming the Dummy4j instance would be configured for the specific locale).

Dummy4j internally merges all of the .yml files into one big map and then splits it into collections of localized definitions. This means, among other things, that the name of the file is irrelevant. Keep in mind, however, that two files of the same name within the same path may override each other.

If you choose to, you can place all of your definitions in one file. You can also spread them out over several files.

Expression resolver

The expression resolver recognizes three placeholders:

  • #{} (single-locale placeholder) - will resolve to a random value from the list of data definitions using the provided key path; the resolved value may itself be an expression. If the path resolves to a list of keys (instead of values), a random one of them will be returned. The value will always be taken from a single locale - the first one which contains values for the path, unless the placeholder is part of a nested expression in which case it will always resolve only to its parent expression’s locale. The parent expression’s locale is the locale of the first placeholder that was resolved within it.
  • # (multi-locale placeholder, since 0.8.0) - like above, but will return a random value from the superset of all locales’ values, regardless of whether it is part of a nested expression.
  • # (digit) - will resolve to a random digit between 0 and 9

Dummy4j can resolve expressions, which are a mix of the aforementioned placeholders and other characters, e.g.:

  • #{name.male_first_name} #{name.last_name}
  • ##-###

The expression resolver will first try to resolve the path in the locale which is first on the list. Failing that, it will keep going down the list until it resolves it or returns NULL.

It is also possible to resolve nested expressions, e.g.: #{key1.#{key2}}. In that case, the placeholder #{key2} will be resolved first and its result will be used to resolve the root placeholder. This can be especially useful for picking a random key (#{key1.#{key1}} will resolve a random key from key1).

Providing custom files

Let’s say you have created the following definitions file:

    thing1: [ "abc", "def", "ghijk" ]
    thing2: [ "###-###" ]
    any_thing: [ "#{my_definitions.thing1}: #{my_definitions.thing2}" ]

To make dummy4j recognize these definitions, you must put them in the resources/dummy4j directory. Afterwards, you can start using them immediately:

Dummy4j dummy = new Dummy4j();

The above code might print a value like def: 455-827.

It will, however, be easier to use these new definitions if an appropriate interface is provided in a Dummy4j instance - you can achieve this by extending the Dummy4j class itself.

Extending the Dummy4j class

Going further with the my_definitions example, it’s easy to create methods for the new definitions in a custom class extending Dummy4j. Below is one (but not the only) way to do this:

public class CustomDummy4j extends Dummy4j {

    private final MyDefinitionsDummy myDefinitions;

    public CustomDummy4j() {
        myDefinitions = new MyDefinitionsDummy(this);

    public MyDefinitionsDummy myDefinitions() {
        return myDefinitions;

    public static class MyDefinitionsDummy {

        private final CustomDummy4j dummy4j;

        public MyDefinitionsDummy(CustomDummy4j dummy4j) {
            this.dummy4j = dummy4j;

        public String thing1() {
            return dummy4j.expressionResolver.resolve("#{my_definitions.thing1}");

        public String thing2() {
            return dummy4j.expressionResolver.resolve("#{my_definitions.thing2}");

        public String anyThing() {
            return dummy4j.expressionResolver.resolve("#{my_definitions.any_thing}");

You can now use the new API:

CustomDummy4j dummy = new CustomDummy4j();

For convenience, you might want to extend AbstractDummy4jBuilder as well. The Dummy4jBuilder class serves as an example of this.

The core classes

The core classes can be configured or swapped out entirely as presented in the “Configuration” section.


The DefinitionProvider interface represents the source of dummy data definitions. The default implementation is YamlFileDefinitionProvider which loads .yml files and converts them to LocalizedDummyDefinitions instances.


ExpressionResolver is responsible for all logic of parsing and resolving expressions into actual dummy data.


RandomService encapsulates Java’s Random and provides additional functionality, such as accessing the seed.


The LocalizedDummyDefinitions interface is an abstraction over a collection of dummy data definitions for a given locale. The default implementation is LocalizedDummyDefinitionsMap which stores the definitions in-memory as a Java Map.